Sunday, March 20, 2016

If Only

Aku tarik nafasku panjang, lalu menghembuskannya.
Perlahan belajar melupakan apa yang seharusnya tak usah dihiraukan.
Bernyanyi sendiri, menjahit luka yang kubuat sendiri.
Seandainya aku tak mau tau.

Aku memilih untuk tak pergi, untuk tak peduli lagi.
Karena yang aku tau ini bukan lagi menanti pergantian musim.
Tapi bagaimana caranya tetap bertahan dalam setiap musim.
Seandainya aku tau caranya melepas resah tanpa meninggalkannya.

Aku berimplikasi dalam hidupnya.
Aku mencoba menjadi konservatif.
Berasumsi semua akan baik-baik saja seperti yang pernah ia katakan padaku.

Friday, March 18, 2016

I Miss Her

Quiet night, wishing you were right here with me.
I'll tell you all about the possibilities and the chances.
Since the day we met, again, I feel like my world has changed.

Will you believe me if I say that I need you more than anything else?

I miss you everyday.
I can hear your voice right inside my head.

Do you feel the same with me?
This is driving me insane.
I can't stand another day without you.

I can't fight this world alone, without you.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

A Fool

I saw you standing there, looking to the ocean.
You are waiting for your ship to come back, and the sky goes dark already.
Your glasses is wet, is it tears or just the rain?
You start to believing that time will heal your pain, you’re looking for an end.

The stars is out there, I am still here.
I’m not waiting, I’m just being something you can always ignore.
But you don’t.

I’m so glad that I have the chance to be close to you.
But don’t mind me, I’m just being a fool, whose trying to play it cool.
I’m still doing my best to distract you from anything that could make you sad.
I’m writing this song so you can sing along and forgetting the ship that has brought you down

You deserve the best.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Irama Malam

Kalau saja malam bisa lebih berirama.
Tidak hanya berkeluh kesah tapi memberi nada.

Kalau saja malam bisa lebih berirama.

Mengutip indahnya pagi di depan mata.

Kalau saja malam bisa lebih berirama.

Menorehkan aksara menghilangkan gugup yang tak sengaja.

Kalau saja malam bisa lebih berirama.

Akan aku tutup buku ini untuk dibaca malam berikutnya.

Lalu perlahan,

memeluk kesepian yang berakhir ceria pagi berikutnya.
Mengemas kesunyian yang berakhir terbukanya jendela pada kedua mata.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Most of the Time

It's good to be wherever we want to be.
Hearing voices from a distant.
Looking at the different sight.
Smelling fresher air.
And at last, do whatever we want to do.

Why bother thinking about something that we haven't know yet?